Unifor Local 27 Retirees Chapter

Retired from the job, but not the fight

Retirees Chapter Meeting Cancellation

Posted on March 20, 2020

To all Unifor Local 27 Retirees’ Chapter members:

The chapter's executive has decided, in keeping with government mandates, to suspend the monthly meetings until further notice due to the dangers of spreading the Coronavirus in large gatherings.

This action has been deemed necessary as our group is entirely made up of people considered to be in the high-risk category from this virus.

The executive will continue to post information on our web site and with periodic emails.

We would also like to remind our Unifor brothers and sisters to remain safe and follow all the government-mandated guidelines to avoid infection.

  1. Wash your hands. Hand washing works. Even if people come into contact with the virus, they can avoid becoming infected by washing their hands before touching their face. But do it right. “Hands should be scrubbed for at least 20 seconds, hand sanitizers help too, but soap is usually more reliable.

  2. Try to touch your face less. It’s virtually impossible not to touch your face. But you can touch it less often. Be aware of when you’ve just touched surfaces that might infect you (like doorknobs in busy places) and don’t touch your face until you’ve washed your hands.

  3. Keep your distance. It’s not easy but try to stay at least six feet away from other people when you’re in public. And don’t shake hands. Your hands are brutally efficient disease vectors.

  4. Be more aggressive about staying home if you feel sick. You probably don’t have coronavirus (though, of course, you can’t be sure), but you could spread your cold and make it more severe.

  5. Don’t stockpile masks. They’re needed for hospital workers and other caregivers. “Masks are only useful if you have a respiratory infection already and want to minimize the risk of spread to others.

  6. Do stock up on food and medicine. While there’s no need to make a run on toilet paper or stockpile a year’s worth of canned food, experts recommend having enough supplies on hand for at least 14 days — the recommended length of quarantine. A good shopping list: Canned, dry or frozen foods; beverages; vitamins and cold medicine; and any prescription medications you normally take.

  7. Check-in with friends and family. “At the top of every checklist for prepping for shutdowns or self-quarantine should be checking in with people less able to prep. Give your number to someone nearby who might not have anyone to help out, or even talk to if they end up alone,” tweeted The Atlantic’s James Hamblin. Coronavirus is particularly dangerous for people over the age of 70. They should be aggressive about all the measures here — and, if you’re younger, you should think about how to help.

Periodically check your news stations, papers or other news sources for updates on infection levels, who to phone if you feel unwell enough that you need help and where to go for evaluation/testing if required.

If you are having difficulty coping with the times remember:

· UNDERSTAND THIS WILL PASS, While the situation might seem increasingly dire, it’s important to understand the outbreak will inevitably pass and there are some already simple ways to mitigate your risk, such as washing your hands and avoiding close contact.

· FOLLOW THE NEWS IN MODERATION, as COVID-19 dominates the international headlines, the concerning news can lead to increased anxiety among some people, while others might fixate on the latest developments. It’s important for people to keep abreast about what’s going on in the world, but to do so responsibly.

· DON’T OVER ISOLATE YOURSELF, even if you decide that you are going to stay in and avoid the public it is important not to isolate yourself completely. Phone family or friends, Facetime, Skype or chat online. We are social animals and were never meant to be completely isolated.

· BE A BUDDY, tell a friend, a loved one, or a neighbour if you're concerned about the illness. Ask one of them to be your emergency contact who you can call with concerns or requests for help. Make it a point to check in on your older friends and relatives? Such thoughtfulness is always greatly appreciated.

We truly hope that all our members and their families come out at the end of these trying times healthy and whole.

Be safe

The Local 27 Retirees Executive


Further Reading

How people older than 65 can do more to protect themselves from COVID-19

To view the PDF full screen click on the at the bottom right of the document
