Unifor Local 27 Retirees Chapter

Retired from the job, but not the fight

Dear Canadians - A Message from Canada's Veterans

Posted on October 16, 2015

The terrible treatment of Canada’s veterans by the Conservative government of Stephen Harper

Governments must run on their records. Voters can judge the reality of what the government did and not the rhetoric so common to elections. In the case of the Conservative government, their record on the poor treatment of soldiers and veterans is well documented. In the past decade they closed offices, cut 900 jobs, clawed back benefits, killed life-time pensions for Afghanistan veterans, failed to spend $1.13 billion of the veterans affairs budget but found money to increase advertising and ceremonies for politicians to honour veterans.

Since the First World War there has been a sacred commitment to the men and women who fight for our country: if you were fortunate enough to return from battle, then you would be taken care of. Within months of taking office, the Conservative government broke that commitment for the first time and continued to break it many times over the next 10 years. For the past decade soldiers have come home only to realize they are still in a fight, this time with their own government, to get the services and pensions they deserve and need.

Please read the record below. And please, when you cast your vote on Oct 19, do not vote to reward a Conservative government that has so fundamentally broken its faith with the tens of thousands of brave men and women who fight for the rights of all Canadians. After all, if the country can afford to send them to risk their lives in war, it can certainly afford to support them in dealing with the challenges of returning home.

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